
Here is how you can contribute:

- Report bugs
- Suggest a weapon
- Start an internet sever of Crazy Penguins and tell people about it
- Check the to do list

Report bugs:

Please report all bugs:

Name: (Optional)

Email: (Optional)


Known bugs:
- There has to be a left and right for assult, tank etc. as I don't know how to make projectiles go the same way as you shoot them. Contact me if you do.

Suggest a weapon:

I will welcome any suggestions. There a quite a lot of images of penguins not used yet. You can view them here.
If you have an image that you made then please email me it too me.

Name: (Optional)

Email: (Optional)


Start an internet sever of Crazy Penguins and tell people about it:

Probably the most important thing. There is no point having a great game if no one plays it. Please spread the word.

To do list:

Nothing that you can do here yet.

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